EndNote X6 running on Windows 8 Pro Desktop okie now, together with MS Office 2013 RTM.
How about X6 work well with Windows 8 Surface Professional/or RT Tablet and ready in the Windows 8 AppStore?
Thong Tran
EndNote X6 running on Windows 8 Pro Desktop okie now, together with MS Office 2013 RTM.
How about X6 work well with Windows 8 Surface Professional/or RT Tablet and ready in the Windows 8 AppStore?
Thong Tran
I am looking for Windows RT support as I have the surface RT
Please make it so I can use EndNote
Likewise, would very much like to have EndNote available on my Surface!
Thank you,
Hi Thong Tran,
EndNote X6 running on Windows 8 Pro Desktop okie now, together with MS Office 2013 RTM
I run Endnote X6 on Word 2013 with Windows 8 Pro on laptop. I can not not find the how to rund it on MS. Word after I installed Endnote X6 sucsessfully. Please guide me.
Thank you very much.
would like to see an Endnote Version that supports Windows 8 RT as well. You were able to do it for the iPad, now make the move and support it for Windows ARM.
Bring an iPad like app to surface rt / surface 2