Endnote - Wrong letter after the year (ambiguous citations)

I am using Endnote X7.3 for Mac with Word 2010, also for Mac.

I have a proble with ambiguous citations: Endnote puts a wrong letter after the year in both, citations and bibliography.

For example, I have two references from the same author, same year. It will appear in the bibliography like this: 

SenBJW - Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Wissenschaft Berlin (2013a): Handlungsrahmen Schulqualität in Berlin. Qualitätsbereiche und Qualitätsmerkmale. Berlin.

SenBJW - Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Wissenschaft Berlin (2013f): Inklusive Schule in Berlin. Empfehlungen des Beirats. Berlin.

So it is 2013 a and 2013 f , but there are only these two references, so it should be 2013 a and 2013b.

Thank you very much for your help in advance! 

Several threads on this glitch in 7.3 “patch”  – see here 


the easiest fix is to format in the desktop version, then switch to endnote online (via the Word ribbon, preferences, application tab) - log in, if necessary and use the APA 6th there, and format with the online version, or request the beta version they are testing.  

Thanks a lot for the quick reply, I wil see what I will do, since I only got three weeks left for my thesis.

Hi Leanne,

I’m using Endnote X7.3 for Mac and I have this problem.  I looked on the other thread and it spojke of a Beta patch. Has this problem been resolved yet?  If not, can you please send me the patch for Harvard.  Thanks.

email the TR endnote.betacoordinator [at] thomsonreuters.com but I think my Harvard worked.  If yours doesn’t let me recheck and I will post it here.  (I don’t work for TR.)  

Thanks Leanne. Got the update and it’s all working perfectly 

Thank You
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