I am using Endnote X7.3 for Mac with Word 2010, also for Mac.
I have a proble with ambiguous citations: Endnote puts a wrong letter after the year in both, citations and bibliography.
For example, I have two references from the same author, same year. It will appear in the bibliography like this:
SenBJW - Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Wissenschaft Berlin (2013a): Handlungsrahmen Schulqualität in Berlin. Qualitätsbereiche und Qualitätsmerkmale. Berlin.
SenBJW - Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Wissenschaft Berlin (2013f): Inklusive Schule in Berlin. Empfehlungen des Beirats. Berlin.
So it is 2013 a and 2013 f , but there are only these two references, so it should be 2013 a and 2013b.
the easiest fix is to format in the desktop version, then switch to endnote online (via the Word ribbon, preferences, application tab) - log in, if necessary and use the APA 6th there, and format with the online version, or request the beta version they are testing.
I’m using Endnote X7.3 for Mac and I have this problem. I looked on the other thread and it spojke of a Beta patch. Has this problem been resolved yet? If not, can you please send me the patch for Harvard. Thanks.
email the TR endnote.betacoordinator [at] thomsonreuters.com but I think my Harvard worked. If yours doesn’t let me recheck and I will post it here. (I don’t work for TR.)
Thank You
Good project! so much fun!
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