EndNote X1 Problem on Windows Vista

Hello all.  I tried searching the forums for a similar issue, but either no one has had it (therefore I am special), or I couldn’t find it (and therefore I am bad at searching).  Anyway, I am running X1 on a Vista system and writing my document in Word 2007.  The problem I am having is that I for some reason, there are references appearing in my citation list within Word which are not in my EndNote Library list.  I have tried deleting both the place where the reference is cited in the paper and its entry in the list within Word, but every time I update the citations, the entries reappear.  The weirdest part about it is the “phantom” reference is a previous version of a reference in my EndNote Library which I subsequently edited and changed some of the info (it is the same file and was edited).

Sorry if this is an annoying question.  I tried reading the manual, asked our local EndNote guru, used my Google-fu, etc.  All me efforts were unsuccessful.  Please let me know if any more information is needed.

I suspect that somewhere you have missed deleting and reinserting the corrected reference.  The easiest way to catch any reference which you may have changed so that Endnote no longer believes the inserted reference is that in your library (and thus pulls it from the traveling library) is to unformat the whole paper and then reformat it.  Sometimes I have to close the document and reopen it to ensure the traveling library, a temporary file, is no longer in existence.  When reformatting remember to re-engage CWYW from the format bibliography dialog, 3rd tab. 

That worked!  Perfectly actually!  Wow… I am going to sit down now and relish this feeling of happiness… Thank you very much!

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