EndNote X7 not syncing - nothing happens

Nothing happens.

I click “Sync Library” (blue circle icon), see the authorizing bar on the lower right for a flash of a moment, and that’s it. I don’t see the sync report on the left column.

For a check, I went not my Endnote online and notice that the number of refs are not the same, the new refs were not uploaded.

Please help.

zen (trying to keep…)

I have the same problem, using Endnote X7 (Bld 9970) and Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite).

Just so support people know there’s more than one instance of this problem.

Was this ever resolved?

I have a Macbook and an iMac, and while both show Authorizing, only the Macbook actually seems to sync with Endnote on the web! I created dummy references on both Macs and only the Macbook reference shows on line.

Using El Capitan, FWIW.

Greetings ShaneBaker,

Sorry to hear about your issues with EndNoteSync on your iMac.  Just to confirm, after clicking “Tools>Sync” within EndNote on your iMac, do you see a Sync Status link on the Groups panel along the left of your library window?  The mentioned Sync Status heading would appear below the All References group.

Please let me know what you find.

I am having the same problem with X7.4 on the PC. I just started another thread. I have tried on muliple locations T1 at work and DSL at home. 

It has been happening for about a week.

This may be due to the location of the library. Is the library stored on your local computer or a server location? We recommend keeping the local library on the local computer. Do you use any kind of cloud storage service, like Dropbox? Keeping a library in a cloud storage location can cause damage and lead to issues like this:


Make sure your library is on the local hard drive and not in a folder configured for cloud storage. You can verify the location of the library using the Tools menu > Library Summary.