EndNote X7p2 Crash - Mac Word 2016


I noticed that anytime there is a text box in my document, EndNote will crash when I try to update the bibliography/citations or add a new citation.  This occurs whether or not there is a citation in the text box - it seems to be the presence of the text box alone causes the crash.  

I’ve checked and made sure that both my Endnote beta and Mac software are up to date - both are. 

I have EndNote X7p2 (beta version for Mac) and Microsoft Word for Mac Version 15.18

Any suggestions would be immensely helpful. :slight_smile:


Jenny Robinson

I apologize for any trouble you had with the Beta.

The Beta cycle is over so at this time you will want to uninstall the Beta and reinstall the full version which is compatible with Word 2016.

I would then try the same steps to see if you are still having an issue with Word, text boxes and EndNote.

Same problem is happening with the most recently “official” release version. Word 2016 for Mac keeps crashing when I try to insert citations. Any document with a more complex structure than just paragraphs does that. Very, very frustrating…