I just purchase Macbook Air 2018 with Mojave10.14.3 for my old notebook. I installed Microsoft Word 2016 and Endnote x9 to continue my MS document works. The installation was fine, but when I tried to edit my Word doc with Endnote it was painfully slow taking 3-4 mins per one citation edit. The version of MS word for mac is 15.29(161209) and Endnote X9 (Bld 3682}
I would try install the additional updates to Word the current build is 16.21. If you continue to have issues with Word and EndNote after the updates to Word are installed then please contact Technical Support directly
Thank you for advice, I already update my Word to 16.16.6 (190114) please note that there is no 16.21 available for me even i enroll Office insider fast.
After updated, the edit formatting is faster but (in my opinion) still slow comparing to Windows version.
Any suggestion to speed up the citation formatting?
You could try turning off the Instant Formatting feature to allow the citations to insert faster and then later format them using Update Citations and Bibliography.
You can find the steps for turning on or turning off Instant Formatiing on our website:
There are but according to the forum thought police, if i mention any of them again, i will be banned. But yes, there are many good alternatives. Good luck.
Update Java! WOW! FINALLY got something to work! FYI, Running OSX 10.14.16. Endnote 8.2. Now it is fast again! FYI IU shut down endnote while I installed Java to ensure some issue wouldn’t crop up. Then simply booted Endnote again without reboot of computer.
Boom! Thank you to ScrippsOcean. No thanks to EndNote for not helping other than simply having the forum (some help).