Error - all text highlighted as references

Hi All,

I’m currently working on a large document (my thesis!) and am using Endnote for the references.

Something has happened which means that Endnote is now classifying all of the non-reference text as Endnote references. All of the text I have written is now highlighted in  grey, which is usually reserved for the references only. This means that I can’t edit the document at all and when I try to write something, an error message tells me to place the pointer outside of the reference area.

I hope I’ve explained that well enough, any help on fixing this would be truely appreciated,

Many thanks,


Hi Olivia,

Did you manage to solve it? I am experiencing the same problem writing my thesis! It has happened after changing the computer I was using.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


Make a copy and unformat (to temporary citations).  delete any residual reference list and try reformating.  – Be careful and do not to try to edit any of the Endnote fields directly, including citations or references without the right click edit citation within Endnotes tools, especially deleting text nearby.