Error in AMA 11th (and JAMA) output style for journal article

In AMA 11th style (which is equivalent to JAMA style), this is a correct citation for a journal article:

Allison MA, Hurley LP, Markowitz L, et al. Primary care physicians’ perspectives about HPV vaccine. Pediatrics. 2016;137(2):e20152488. doi:10.1542/peds.2015-2488

Note that this citation does not include the month before the year. However, this is the code for Journal Article in the AMA 11th bibliography template:

Author. Title. Translated Title. Type of Article. Journal. Date Year;Volume|(Issue)|(Part/Supplement)|:Pages. Article Number. Errata. Original Publication. Reprint Edition. doi:DOI

I believe the Date field should be removed. I know I can edit the output style myself, but it really should be corrected in the official files for both AMA 11th and JAMA.


Well, technically speaking, JAMA and AMA 11th are not really equivalent. JAMA is used by the JAMA network journals, and AMA 11th is based on the AMA Manual of Style. Yes, AMA produces both, but if I had to bet, they’re probably siloed off from each other within the organization. (In a possible similar example, most of the APA journals do not fully use APA style; the journals and the books are in two different departments at APA.)

That said, you are correct about leaving out the date.

I believe that’s a meaningless distinction. The author instructions for JAMA (Instructions for Authors | JAMA | JAMA Network) and at least two of the other AMA journals (JAMA Network Open and JAMA Ophthalmology) say “When listing references, follow AMA style,” with a link to the AMA Manual of Style (References | AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors | AMA Manual of Style | Oxford Academic). If you’ve found any differences between the two output styles, I’d be interested to know what they are.

I’ve modified the AMA 11th so heavily that I can’t tell you whether or how the original differs from JAMA.

And I wouldn’t try, even if I were so inclined, since my last comment was deemed meaningless.

Thanks for the laugh!