Exhibition Catalogues (Art History) templates or Style?

I am using Endnote X. I need to cite an exhibition catalogue in a footnote, but cannot find a template to do so.  I am using the Chicago Manual of Style A.  I’m sure there must be a template (or Style) for this by now, but I can’t find it.I tried to download one from the University of Melbourne site, but was not successful.  I didn’t know where to download it or how to use it once it had been downloaded since all the references in footnotes must be in Chicago Manual style. 

thank you,


Quote from: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/CMS_FAQ/Documentation/Documentation77.html

Chicago style treats an exhibition catalog like any other published book. Like books, catalogs may be listed by title, if the bibliographer thinks the editor is not particularly relevant to the discussion or known to readers. Please see the example in CMOS 17.240.


Hope this is helpful.


Dear Hanyunchang,

Thank  you for your response.  I must admit I should have checked the CMOS before I posted it.  But I still wonder how to cite a catalogue in other styles.  Most art history publications use ex.cat.  But there is no filed in Endnotes for such a reference.  So I’m wondering if one can stick the ex.cat. in another field to have it display properly? 



You may find it easier to create a new reference type for exhibition catalogs if you use them frequently enough, then add a template for them with the small modification you need, by copying the book template.

THank you for your suggestion that I create a new template by modifying the book template.  The problem is I don’t know how to do that at all.  Are there instructions somewhere?  I quite a neophyte because I haven’t used the program much.  Is there a book or a web site with easy to follow/understand instructions for doing what you suggest? 


You can check the endnote website for training. http://www.endnote.com/training/  In particular, there are basics, and advanced sessions which I think are available as webinars. 

You can also contact tech support or call them and they can probably talk you thru what you need to do. 

Also there is a good PDF manual that should get installed with your software.  You will want to change/create a new reference type, I guess and then alter your style (or styles) to include the template that goes with the new reference type. 

Thank you.  I’ll try that.
