Export PDF highlights

Hi there,

I am a new user to EndNote 20. I’d strongly recommend EndNote intergrate a function to export highlighted text from attached PDFs. This is a highly useful function much desired by many researchers and industry professionals. I am really not sure how this has been overlooked all along!!!

Zotero has implemeted the ability export PDF annotations/highlights super easily and for this reason alone I am thinking of moving over to Zotero.

Kind regards.

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When you open an attached pdf you can highlight text and save the changes in EN20. When you email the pfd with EN the highligthing is preserved. Is this what you mean?

No. Just want to export the highlighted text to a separate text file.

I just tried on an old iPad. I highlighted text, marked and copy it and insert it Ingo GOODNOTES. I suppose it will work with other Word processors