This is for people who want to convert absolute links to relative links. EndNote will do this for you, but first you need to find all records with absolute links (or links to pdfs that aren’t there any more) before converting them. This can be a lot of work for a large library. Here is a way to find those bad links. Click on the paper clip at the upper left of the reference list panel. EndNote sorts the records such that the ones without attachments are listed at the beginning and the ones with attachments are at the end.The records with absolute (or dead) links are grouped at the beginning of the records with attachments. Click on the first record with an attachment. If it has an absolute link, the path to the file will display in the pdf viewer. For dead links there will be an error message. Inspect each record and delete the dead links. (Sorry, I know of no way to automate this.) When you reach a record with a valid link, the paper will display in the pdf viewer. You can now select the records with absolute links and convert them.