Fix Capture, and other problems that make me pull my hair out

  1.  When I try to capture a reference, it never captures anything.  I have to type in every single field myself.  So annoying.  I always cite from PDF’s obtained from my university.  When I try to find the citations from the Word plugin by title, it never finds it.  I always have to manually enter it.  Always.

  2.  When I’m in capture mode from my browser, and I try to enter in authors, it says: "

Use format Last Name, First name. Enter each name on a new line."  This is a problem because it won’t LET ME enter in more than one line.  So when I enter one author and then press enter, it saves the citation and goes to the next page.

  1. Quit logging me out!  Every time 30 minutes go by and I find another article I’d like to cite, it asks me to log in again!!!  SO FRUSTRATED!!!  SO GLAD my advisor bought this software and not me.

Now it won’t let me log in at all.  I entered the same email and password as the last ten times I logged in this hour, but it won’t work.  When I go to the “forgot password” link to humor it, it goes to a continual reload mode.  I am so mad I can’t see straight.  This was supposed to help me be more productive and less stressed, not the other way around.  :(

As a user, I don’t know what you mean by “capture” or why you are having the problems you seem to be having. I am not familiar with that term in Endnote.  Have you participated in a Webinar, where you might ask questions about your work flow and why you might be having issues?  (okay, I stand corrected in moderator’s thread response.  sorry).

Or contacted Tech support?  (I suggest calling, so you can talk thru your issues.)

Handerton, I sent you a PM to try and get more info about these problems. We’d really appreciate your help to try and improve the capture feature.

  1. We’ll change the instructions for author names. In some other contexts putting them on a separate line is correct. In capture they should have a semicolon in between. 

  2. Leanne, capture refers to the EndNote browser toolbar that’s generally part of EndNote Web, but can also be used to send references to the desktop.

Apparently problem #2 cited by handerton 4 short years ago persists: when I use the Capture Reference FIrefox plugin in the online version of EndNote, if the reference has more than one author, I cannot insert a new line to separate the authors: enter, shift-enter, control-enter {I may not have tried alt-enter} each result in the reference being captured, but none results in a new line.

Not a big deal, but probably not a difficult fix

Hey! I made new lines in this post by hitting the “enter” key

