I cannot update the fields of my references. When I copy it from the updated version it does not paste. When I allow the program to “update all fields” - it copies the fields, closes the dialogue box, but does not save any of the information.
This is a huge issue for imported PDFs. I have to import my PDFs because the online search on EndNote 20 is not working properly. Many issues with this program. Please fix.
I have exactly the same issue with my newly installed Endnote 20. What is the point of putting the effort to construct a library if you won’t be able to index it? Please fix this bug, this is important functionality issue. It is dissapointing to see that this thread didn’t even get any attention from the support!?!
I have exactly the same issue with my newly installed endnote 20. What is the point of keeping a library if you cannot index it and search through it? Please fix this, this is an important functionality that many users benefit from. It is dissapointing to see that this thread didn’t even get any attention from support!?!