I am a first time EndNote user, so the questions might be a little redundant!
I am formatting a list of endnotes at the end of my document. How do I get the output style for, eg an interview, to look like First name, Last name, in discussion with author, date instead of Last name, first name…etc. It seems like I am getting a bibliographic style output
I am citing many government documents and in specific congressional testimonies that follow the following format for an endnote:
A__uthoring Body, Title of Work, Individual Author or editor if available, number or other identifying information listed, publisher if different from author, (Place of publication: date), page number(s) for pdf files. URL.
I cannot simply put this into the ‘Government Document’ reference category because it doesn’t spit it out the way I need. How can I go about creating a new reference type?
Thank you!
Message Edited by rshroff on 04-30-2008 11:10 AM