Thanks for these details. I will certainly pass your suggestion on to the appropriate folks here who are responsible for Current Contents Connect.
Jason Rollins
Thanks for these details. I will certainly pass your suggestion on to the appropriate folks here who are responsible for Current Contents Connect.
Jason Rollins
Thanks for these details. There is no questions that:
“…integrating the full text feature with an individual’s proxy configuration so that you could download articles served from proxy servers…”
would be highly desirable for many users. Actually, better proxy support overall is a challenge we have been wrestling with for EndNote for quite a while. Admittedly, there are some newer and Macintosh-only applications that seem to have solved this problem better than EndNote has.
I will pass all of this on to the engineers and hope that we can work out something in the near future.
Jason Rollins
Currently the Macintosh version of EndNote X2 has slightly better Find Full Text support than does the Windows version. The upcoming free patch will add the enhancements from the Macintosh version into the Windows version.
Hi Jason
That is excellent that you taking all of this on board.
Patrick Condron
University of Melbourne Library
The OpenURL search from EndNote can be configured to use the ezproxy version of the OpenURL server.
In my university library’s case, for the OpenURL path, we input the exproxy address and then the OpenURL server address.
general example
As different as each vendor’s site may be, with the pdf link not being located the same way, I wonder how much value the full text search will have *compared* to the OpenURL search that uses a powerful database aware of an agency’s subscriptions. I’d like if there were an official comparison. Maybe wording like, OpenURL is typically better, if your affiliated agency has an OpenURL server. However, find full text can find pdf’s in the following cases. (Then list the cases. If finding the pdf’s is dependent on IP authentication for subscription resources, make that evident. If OpenURL is successful a higher percentage of the time for subscription resources, say that.)
It’s possible that OpenURL is a bit undefined as a subject because: 1) not everyone has access to an OpenURL service that accesses subscription items–this effects how many customers have an OpenURL server, how Thomson can evaluate it’s value, and how intutitive it is to communicate it’s value to new users; 2) different agencies likely have their OpenURL services defined in different ways. For example, my university library shows as the result of an OpenURL search whether we have the resource available online, and it shows links to search for the resource in our library catalogs as well as an option to request it through interlibrary loan if we do not have it online.
Other factors that affect the use of OpenURL is that EndNote cannot be configured for the OpenURL server at an agency when the agency makes site license copies available. Each copy has to be individually configured. And the value of OpenURL is not intuitive.
Have a nice day
John Paul Fullerton
Has there been any movement on including the DOI’s in Current Contents records? It seems dumb not to do so. As it is, without the DOI many (most?) records found by CCC, when imported to Endnote X2, will not allow finding the PDF. When I enter the DOI by hand in the Endnote record, it works. I don’t understand why not to include the information which is clearly available.
This seems to be a minor bug in CCC. I have alerted the appropriate team here about the issue but an not sure of the current status. To me anyway, it is odd that in most cases the same record in Web of Science does include the DOI while it is missing in CCC. On the positive side, in my quick tests, I was still able to find full text files for as many as 80% of the records I downloaded from CCC - even without the DOI. This success depends on the access to journals set up in ISI Web of Knowledge.
If I hear anything else about this issue, I will post it.
Jason Rollins, the EndNote team
Could we get a complete explanation of what is required for full text search in terms of “access to journals set up in ISI Web of Knowledge”
You said, “This success depends on the access to journals set up in ISI Web of Knowledge.”
I’d like to have a document to refer to my colleagues who set up local access to ISI Web of Knowledge.
Have a nice day
John Paul Fullerton
It works perfects after I applied the patch of 2.0.1.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful creature!
Here is an update on EndNote X2 FFT and ACS journals:
I just heard from our contact at ACS who had reported many mutual customers frustrated that EndNote X2 FFT was not working with ACS journals. ACS says they have made some improvements to their web system and believe that EndNote X2 FFT should now be able to download PDFs from ACS.
I would be very interested to heard from any customers on the types of improvements you now see when trying EndNote X2 FFT with ACS journals.
Please post updates here or send comments to me directly.
Jason Rollins, the EndNote team
I tested both the Journal of Physical Chemistry A and the Journal of the American Chemical Society, both of which are ACS journals, and their is no change – neither works.
We did some more testing after I posted this and have had pretty much the same results: no noticeable improvement. I will pass this info on to ACS.
Jason Rollins, the EndNote team
Hi Jason,
Is there any news about access to full text files from the ACS? I’m new to endnote and I’m frustrated at the inability to automatically download articles from ACS journals.
We have made quite a few improvements to the Find Full Text feature - including much better support for ACS publications. These will be implemented in EndNote version X3.
Jason Rollins, the EndNote team
Is there a target date version X3?
EndNote X3 will be out this summer - early summer for Windows and end of summer for Macintosh.
Jason Rollins, the EndNote team
I just tested the fulltext feature of Endnote X3 in university subscription. It worked in the first day and now it does not. I was trying to get one article from on of the ACS journal (Environmental Science and Technology). Anyone has the same problem? Do I need to do anything specifice to make it work?