I am using X2. The help tells me to go under ‘Citation’ or ‘Bibliography’ and select Sort Order but I cannot find either of those headers in my pulldown menu. I also looked in ‘Preferences’ which allows me to ‘ignore’ some information but does not let me sort differently either. I suspect the help referes to outdated version. Where to find the ‘Sort Order’ option? I want to change the way multiple citations are shown from the default (by author name) to by year published. Thanks.
You’ll need to adjust the output style. Go to the EndNote toolbar, select EDIT, OUTPUT STYLE, then EDIT [name of style]. The selected style will appear in a pop-up box. In the left corner of the style the “Citation” and “Bibliography” option is shown. Below each is the “Sort Order” option which allows you to change the sort order in various pre-set configurations and an "other"option where you can create your own.