How to create superscript, numbered references??

Hello everyone.  New to EndNote, and it’s driving me to distraction at the moment!  I’m writing a journal article, and want the output style to have a superscript number in the text, with a numbered bibliography at the end of the document.  At the moment, all I can get it to do is insert the (author, year) in the text where I have referenced?  I have tried editing the output style to no avail.  I’d be really grateful to anyone who could help.  Many thanks 

Have you changed the output style to one that has a superscripted number in the Word document?  I attach one that you can download, open (it should open in Endnote) and save.  Then in the word program format bibliography and change to use this (or the output style you may already have?) and refomat with the new output style (you may have to “browse” or see additional styles in the the dialog to find it).  It has to be changed in Word.  doing so in Endnote does not alter the output style already in use in a document. 

Numbered superscript.ens (15.9 KB)

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Thankyou so much!!  That was the problem- I didn’t know you had to format bibliography in pages.