I’ve recently upgraded to Endnote X5 and I noticed the reference list is displaying the authors’ full names. Previously, it was just the last names. This is very annoying for me, especially if the full name is lengthy, and I’ve entered the author full names as in First Name Last Name format throughout. As such, searching for a name can be quite tedious if there are multiple authors. See an example of what I mean in the pic.
Is there a way to have the reference list display only authors’ last name as in previous versions? I am talking about the reference list, not output or citation styles. It’s the window where I personally look at, as illustrated by the pic below.
To display only author last names in the library reference window, change the “Display all authors in the Author field” setting. Go to the EndNote toolbar, select Edit > Preferences > Display Fields then uncheck “Display all authors in the Author field” (see attached image).
That does make it display the last name only - BUT, it also only display the first author, not the second, third … See attached pic. I’m expecting to see Zimmerman; Tsikalas, but only Zimmerman shows up. I just want it to work as it did in the previous version.
The absence of initials for the first author also occurs in EndNote X7. My preference is to display all authors so, unlike your situation, this has not an issue for me.
Unfortunately it seems there may be nothing more users can do to address this issue. Suggest you submit a tech support and product suggestionrequest.