How to force Web of Science (WoS) direct export to EndNote to use my modified import filter??


When I try to export my EndNote references in “RefMan RIS” format, much of the data useful for my analysis is either bundled together in the “Notes” field (e.g. ‘Research Areas’ [Tag in WoS = SC], ‘WoS Times Cited Count [Tag in WoS = TC], ‘Cited Reference Count [Tag in WoS = NR]) or is missing because it has not got transferred over when auto-exporting from Web of Science into EndNote (e.g. WoS Categories [Tag in WoS = WC]).

I have modified an import filter to allow transfer of such fields separately in appropriate custom fields. This works if I first export the required references in text format and then import using the text file to be imported into EndNote. Is it possible to get the automatic export from WoS to EndNote to include the fields that I want and for them to be placed separately to appropriate fields?

With many thanks,


Does the training video “Direct Export from the Web of Science” on theEndNote YouTube Channeladdress your issue?

If not, could you attach your filter and a couple of sample records from the exported text file?

What is explained in that training video is what I normally do to export from WoS. Now let me give you an example. If I exported the following journal article:

Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68.

The information under the field “Notes” would include among others:

Times Cited:164

Cited References Count:14

I need this information for further analysis by other software and it was not useful for me to have this and other information bundled together in the Notes field. So under preferences, I have now modified the reference type Journal Article so that

Custom 1 = Research Areas (SC)

Custom 3 = WoS Categories (WC)

Custom 4 = WoS Times Cited Count (TC)

Custom 5 = Cited Reference Count (NR)

I have also created an Output Style which a variation of RefMan (RIS) so that the output produced is a text file similar to that produced by WoS text export file.

That is if there were data in the custom field that I have created then I would be able to create an output file in the format outputted by WoS.

[I enclose two documents to demonstrate the differences between the text file produced by WoS and EndNote (using RefMan (RIS) format). Both outputs relate to same 20 items. The collection which formed the basis for the export from EndNote was created by direct exporting same 20 records from WoS to EndNote. The output from EndNote is from before my modifications to RefMan (RIS) format.]

So the problem is to get my exports from WoS to EndNote to place the right information into the right fields (rather than putting many of them together in the Notes field).

I tried to solve this problem by creating a modified version of “Web of Science (TS)” import filter. This works but only if I import from a text file which has been outputted by WoS. What I would like to avoid is to have to first export from WoS in text format to then import it into EndNote using this import filter. I want the direct export from WoS to EndNote to either use this filter or by other means to place the right information in the right fields in my EndNote database. Does this clarify things a bit better?

[Just as a note, my modifications of the “reference type” fields, RefMan (RIS) “output style”, and Web of Science (TS) “import filter” are not optimal yet. I have just done enough modification to see if I can achieve what I need to do and the modifications that I have done so far seem to be working and I am on the right track when it comes to those alterations. Sorry I don’t know how to attach my filter here.]
WoS - plain text - social media - records 1 to 20.txt (75.8 KB)
EndNote - plain text - RefMan- social media - records 1 to 20.txt (79.6 KB)

Perhaps I should add that my main goal with all these efforts is to get the text format output by EndNote to be identical to that produced by WoS. This is because I need to use a few other software that are used for analysis and visualization of this type of data and many of them accept WoS output format but not EndNote output. Therefore, I first need all the required data input to EndNote each piece of data in an appropriate field and then to modify my output style to order the data that I want out in the right order and in the right format.

Perhaps if you save your custom filter with the same name as the default in your filter folder (see edit > preferences > folder locations), EndNote will use yours instead of the installed one. The trick may be to work out which import filter the direct export is using - is it endnote import, endnote library, refman (ris),  reference manager (ris)? It may be different for each database.

Worth a try.


Thanks for the information, Nas. In light of the info, I’ll return to your original question:

“Is it possible to get the automatic export from WoS to EndNote to include the fields that I want and for them to be placed separately to appropriate fields?”

If you’re directly exporting from within WoS to EndNote, automating the process may have to be done by the folks at EndNote, not the user.  You could try contacting tech supportto file a query and post a request on the Product Suggestion section of the forum.

Besides directly exporting from WoS to EndNote, if your institution subscribes to WoS  you could use EndNote’s connection file to connect to WoS. If you can obtain the WoS “tag” list you could modify the connection file to select the data fields and designate the “receiving” EndNote field. Once the tags are set, you can connect to WoS from EndNote then search and download records directly into EndNote,

In the meantime your other option (albeit, not automated) is to export WoS references as a text file then import the text file into EndNote via your modified import filter.  Maybe not ideal but you’ll have full control to pick what to import, and what will be the receiving field in EndNote.

@nas wrote:



When I try to export my EndNote references in “RefMan RIS” format, much of the data useful for my analysis is either bundled together in the “Notes” field (e.g. ‘Research Areas’ [Tag in WoS = SC], ‘WoS Times Cited Count [Tag in WoS = TC], ‘Cited Reference Count [Tag in WoS = NR]) or is missing because it has not got transferred over when auto-exporting from Web of Science into EndNote (e.g. WoS Categories [Tag in WoS = WC]).

I have modified an import filter to allow transfer of such fields separately in appropriate custom fields. This works if I first export the required references in text format and then import using the text file to be imported into EndNote. Is it possible to get the automatic export from WoS to EndNote to include the fields that I want and for them to be placed separately to appropriate fields?


With many thanks,



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