How to Import CCS-Files?

Dear Community,

is there a way to import a .ccs-File, which is a citation-style in Endnote? As far as I know this is a Citavi style but is there a way to use it with Endnote anyhow?

Maybe someone can tell me how to convert this file into some type which I can use in Endnote.

Thank you very much for your Help!


Hello, Chillkroete:

I’m sorry, EndNote can only use .ens files as its styles. What publication is it you’re looking for? Did you check our website to see if it’s already available for EndNote? We have over 5000 styles posted, so it’s very possible we’ve created it in the past.

Hallo Gillian,

thanks for your reply!

Im looking for citations for my Master Thesis, and my Institute has some guidelines. With the insttutes name I cannot find the style I am looking for (well, was quite obvious but I gave it a try anyway =) )

Is there a way to look for a style syntax? The style Im looking for is is quite common I guess, but I’d like to avoid the try and error method for 5000 posibilities.

The syle I am looking for, looks like this:

[EVER90a, S. 13-19],

So four characters of author’s name, year and the page range.

I cannot find a propper prewiew in the style manager (just the Bibliography preview, not the “in text”-citation). Can you tell me how to find that?

Thanks is advance!

Hello, Chillkroete:

I’m afraid we don’t have a way of searching for a style other than by name at this time. However, is the style you are looking for based on any general style, such as Harvard, APA, JAMA, Vancouver, etc? If so, you can try looking for that general style and edit that to suit your needs.