I’m new to using Endnote after moving over from Mendeley a month ago for research. Is there a way to make changes conducted on one pdf appear on the same reference in another group? I know this is possible by first importing the reference then assigning that reference to the two groups but I wondered if it is possible the other way round (ie assign the pdfs to the references and have them link)?
For context:
I have moved my Mendeley library over using a RIS file and recreated my folder organisation in Endnote without pdfs attached
I am now attaching pdfs to all references in the organised groups either manually or using the find full text feature
Where the same reference appears in two groups Endnote registers the references (and their associated pdfs) as two separate references (despite them being identical just held in two different groups).
Mendeley has a function where it automatically notices when a reference is in two groups and effectively links any changes made from one to the other. This applies no matter how the documents are imported.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I am using Endnote X9 on Windows.