Question about preserving groups during transfer from RefWorks to Endnote...

So I’m pretty sure there’s no way to do this automatically but I tried to preserve my citation groups manually when moving from Refworks to Endnote by just exporting each folder out of Refworks as a separate export file.  Problem is there are many duplicate entries between the folders and so my overall database in Endnote has a bunch of duplications.  I cannot erase the duplications because they are differentially distributed through the groups (so copy one is in one group and copy two is in another).  This is in contrast to having one reference in the main database that is parsed into the different groups as you should have it.  Is there any work-around to this?

What version of Endnote?  – If X4 you can search for duplicates and edit the one you are going to keep to add the “keyword” for the second group version to the first, delete the second, and use each of the unique keywords for a smart group assignment? One record with multiple group assignments again. 

oh- good idea but unfortunately I have X3- I assume I lack that functionality?

Can’t remember what I had for Breakfast!  lol.  But you can still (I think) open the two Duplicates in the regular way after a duplicate search, they just aren’t automatically lined up next to each other with the convenient, keep this button.