how to modify styles in Endnote Web

@annieclaude wrote:


I am accessing Endnote Web trough my institution (University of Northern British Columbia), however the bilbiographic styles I have access to are very limited (21 styles total). I’ve talked with my librairan and they can access tons of other styles (I need a journal specific style - Microbial Ecology). I don’t know why I can’t see those other styles from my account. 


Accessing Endnote through a network suggests the network administrator may be determining and limiting access to Endnote’s output styles to your institution’s community of users. Given the large number of output styles available defining a set number for each group of people is meant to facilitate and expedite IT performance for all users.

If there are certain output styles you need to access, you should identify them and request the network administrator to make them available for you.

@annieclaude wrote:


I am accessing Endnote Web trough my institution (University of Northern British Columbia), however the bilbiographic styles I have access to are very limited (21 styles total). I’ve talked with my librairan and they can access tons of other styles (I need a journal specific style - Microbial Ecology). I don’t know why I can’t see those other styles from my account. 


Accessing Endnote through your institutional network suggests the network administrator may be determining and limiting access to Endnote’s output style files based on the user’s status or need. Limiting access may facilitate and expedite IT performance given the large number of Endnote output style files available.

You’ll need to contact the network administrator to install and make that particular Endnote output style file available to you.


The issue seems to be with my account since other people from my institution with the same access as mine have a way longer list of journal styles. 

@annieclaude wrote:

The issue seems to be with my account since other people from my institution with the same access as mine have a way longer list of journal styles. 

 Suggest you contact tech support:

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@rscontentadmin wrote:



Yes we would be very happy to provide this style.  We can create a style for most any format, we just need the requirements.  Getting them into EndNote Web is a function that your University EndNote Web Admin can take care of for you!  We would just need to coordinate with the person that is serving as your EndNote Web Admin at your local site and then we can customize a style for you based on the guidelines that you noted in your previous post.



Dear EndNote support,

I am a librarian at UCLA Library – and we’re interested in whether a style we have created could be incorporated into EndNote Web.  I just don’t know who our University EndNote Admin is – since, I think, we have access to EndNote Web through one of the databases either California Digital Library or UCLA licenses.  Can you help me figure out who the UC or UCLA University EndNote Admin is?  Thanks so much!  –zoe

Zoe Borovsky, Ph.D.

Librarian for Digital Research and Scholarship


So you can contact either Rikke Ogawa or Richard Davidon they should the ability to add styles to EndNote online for UCLA.