how to modify styles in Endnote Web

I have many protected words in my references, such as “Java.” In the system I’m used (BibTex) I would simply protect their capitalization using {Java}.  How do I do this in Endnote Web?

I tried changing the style using the Endnote X2 program using the “Leave capitalization unchanged” option, but this doesn’t appear to affect the Word plugin.  I thought that perhaps I needed to change the style using the online interface, but didn’t see an option to edit my styles.

I was reading in which a Thomson Reuter person announced that request to change styles must be submitted to the company? That can’t possibly be true; so how do I accomplish this?

Hello gback,

At this time, you personally cannot upload or customize your EndNote Web styles. Do you have access to EndNote Web only through a desktop purchase or do you, by chance, also have access through an institutational subscription? If you are unsure about the latter, I can investigate. We do support site-wide customizations so it may be possible to resolve this issue going that route. Also, what style were you using/customizing with EndNote X2?

Best regards,

  • Mathilda Edmunds, the EndNote Web team

I am accessing Endnote Web through an institutional subscription. 

I am finding, however, that Endnote Web doesn’t work correctly, anyway, so I’ll abandon my attempt at using it for now (I had given Endnote 7 a try a few years ago, found it severely broken and annoying - in particular with its idea of keeping citation information in local desktop “libraries” that cannot be bundled with the document and shared with collaborators - and thought I give the new web-capable product a chance where the local library weirdness was finally fixed.) Or so I thought, until I discovered that Endnote Web is not the flagship product - that is X2 which suffers from the same annoyances as Endnote 7.

On a related note, I found that if you use Chicage Style A in footnote/endnote mode, Endnote Web does not include page numbers for journal-type entries in the reference, even though the record contains them. That’s bizarre, and renders it completely useless if I have to enter page numbers manually for each entry.

Pages for journal articles do not need to be cited in a footnote for Chicago A unless you are referencing a particular page or pages for that citation. Otherwise the article pages appear in the bibliography/reference list only. When you do want to cite a particular page(s), you would use Cite While You Write’s Edit Citation or @ in the temporary citation. There’s a help topic called “Citing Specific Page Numbers in Footnotes” that provides greater detail. If you always wanted pages in the footnote, you would have to edit the style to include them in the footnote template.

Regarding your issue with EndNote and bundling the library with a document, EndNote includes a utility called “Export Traveling Library” which was added before EndNote 7. This feature allows other EndNote users to import the references that have been cited in a Word document.

Best regards,

  • Mathilda, the EndNote Web team

I’m confused why Endnote places the citation *BOTH* in the endnote *AND* also creates a bibliography. (Which I then have to delete.)

The style Chicago A cannot be used without endnotes/footnotes, so it’s pretty clear that the list of endnotes *REPLACES* the bibliography. Most journals require page numbers in their bibliography.

And remember: you can’t change styles in Endnote Web (unless you run your own server, apparently.)

@gback wrote:


The style Chicago A cannot be used without endnotes/footnotes, so it’s pretty clear that the list of endnotes *REPLACES* the bibliography. Most journals require page numbers in their bibliography.


The endnote/footnote style for Chicago does ask for both notes and a bibliography (Section 16.3 of the 15th edition). I think maybe the notes *can* replace the bibliography sometimes, but EndNote’s Chicago A is set up to comply with the general practice, so both are included.

Page numbers in notes are supposed to be to the specific passages of articles that are being referenced. Which EndNote can’t add automatically because it doesn’t know exactly which passage you want to cite. Whereas in the bibliography, where page ranges are included, they’re for the whole work. So the notes can’t really replace the bibliography.

I do not frequently publish in the humanities where this style is used. However, for the specific journal to which I was submitting (ITAL: ) they want Notes according to the ‘N:’ style in place of the bibliography.

At it says: “The humanities style is preferred by many in literature, history, and the arts. This style presents bibliographic information in notes and, often, a bibliography.”  It says “often” and not always. In my opinion, both would make sense only for a book (where you have notes at the end of each chapter, and a bibliography), but not for journal articles.

Note that while I can remove the bibliography Endnote places, I am unable to remove or fix the notes (and still use Endnote Web’s Chicago A style). I end up with notes that don’t work as a bibliography unless manually extended. The bibliography Endnote places is useless.

What am I missing?


Your information is correct, our style does both the footnote (Note) with the bibliography at the end.  The footnote format of citations for Chicago A wants you to include just the “cited page” of an article.  We have included a function that allows you to manipulate the citation to include the cited pages of a particular article, from within the bibliography.

The difference between the “Cited Page” function and the “Pages” function is:

Cited Pages are actually inserted from within Word, by using the “Edit Citation” function.  This is a right-click function in Word that allows you to manipulate your citiation by adding to or deleting from the components in the citation.  If you hover over one of your citations in Word, and then click the Right mouse button, you can see the “Edit Citation” dialog.  Select this dialog and click _More, _here is where you’ll enter those “Cited Pages” in the Pages line.  Enter a page number, then click OK and you’ll see how the endnote gets re-formatted to include your page number.

The Pages function, which is a bibliography function, just pulls the page numbers from your library, it doesn’t use a specific page number, just the range of pages that were included with the citation that is stored in your library.  Since Chicago A doesn’t use the “Pages” function in the Note section, you will have to use the above scenario to add any page ranges you wish to add.

Of course if you don’t need the bibliography, you’ll have to remove it when you complete the formatting of your paper. 

Please let me know if you need additional assistance,



Thanks for your reply.

I did discover the option to enter a “Cited Page.” I think understand now what Endnote provides.

As I said before, this is useless, except perhaps for a long document, say a book, that required both endnotes at the end of each section (with cited pages, individual to each endnote) and a bibliography (with a page range for each reference).

May I challenge you to provide just 1 journal article - just provide a DOI - that

  • uses Chicago Style A and endnote style format

  • requires page ranges for each reference, *not* cited pages

  • can be created with Endnote Web *as* the product stands. 

I do not see how. Certainly, the article for the journal I am submitting to *CANNOT* be created with Endnote (unless I “abuse” the Cited Pages features to enter page ranges, which is tedious and undoes all changes when bibliography entries are updated.)

Here is an example of an article that CANNOT: 10.1111/j.1468-5930.2009.00427.x


Yes we would be very happy to provide this style.  We can create a style for most any format, we just need the requirements.  Getting them into EndNote Web is a function that your University EndNote Web Admin can take care of for you!  We would just need to coordinate with the person that is serving as your EndNote Web Admin at your local site and then we can customize a style for you based on the guidelines that you noted in your previous post.


You are side-stepping the question.

My question was if it is possible to produce a journal article in a common and heavily used style with your product as it’s delivered (without requiring local customizations, styles, and extra server and this and that).

Can it do that?

In your earlier post, you reference the Chicago Style guide that states that the style “often” includes notes and the bibliography. Your particular need is not one of the more frequent use-cases for this style. We try to support the broadest range of users’ needs but also try to support as many individual journals possible. In the event a style is not quite right, the desktop provides the ability to customize a style to meet your individual needs.

I apologize that you are not finding this to be the case for ITAL. My colleague has offered to create a style for you and coordinate with your administrator to post the style for your EndNote Web set. If this is not suitable, you have the option to create a custom style directly with EndNote.

Thank you for your feedback,

  Mathilda, the EndNote Web team


you say you “try to support the broadest range of users’ needs” and that my “particular need is not one of the more frequent use-cases for this style.”

I have provided a) the instructions for the journal I’m submitting too, b) a random example of a paper from a different journal that follows the same guidelines. Personally, I’ve never seen a journal article that either has both Endnotes and a bibliography, or in which the bibliography contained cited pages rather than page ranges. My intuition is that it just wouldn’t make sense.

I challenged you to provide a single journal article that can be created with Endnote Web’s Chicago style as it is. Surely, if you support “frequent use-cases” you ought to be able to show just one example. Are you able to?

This is bizarre; I know I must be wrong, I just like to learn how and why.

There is a straight forward method for changing Chicago A in EndNote to accomplish what you want which is described in this post - This method would provide the complete footnote and remove the bibliography so no modification would be needed after a reformat and you could re-use the style for all appropriate future publications.

So we can create a modified style for you and coordinate with your EndNote Web site admin to get it posted if you provide your institution information. (Note: Often the site administrator will make these customizations for you.) You can do it directly with EndNote and we can put you in touch with your admin to get it posted. Lastly, we can investigate the frequency of this request to provide a standard Chicago A footnote without a bibliography.

Let me know your preference, specifically if you would like us to coordinate getting the style posted through your administrator. The goal of our applications is to make formatting easier, and I believe we can still accomplish that for you.

Best regards,

 - Mathilda, the EndNote Web team


thank you for your reply.

You are still side-stepping my question. You claim that your product Endnote Web, as provided, covers “frequent” use-cases of Chicago Style A. You further claim that my use case of an endnote-style bibliography with page ranges is not frequent and thus would require either the use of your Desktop product (and the inconveniences it entails) or the site-specific accommodations.

Please either retract those claims, or provide a single example of a published paper that is using Chicago A that can be created with Endnote Web as you provide it.

For what it’s worth, finding the counterexample whose DOI I provided didn’t require any effort on my part - it was the first journal paper using this style I encountered in a Google search.

The article example you provided actually uses a numbered style within the text and a numbered bibliography at the end. Regarding your request for an article example that EndNote Web would support using Chicago A with footnotes and a bibliography, please refer to any of the papers published by the NeoAmericanist journal -

Best regards,

 - Mathilda

@medmunds wrote:

The article example you provided actually uses a numbered style within the text and a numbered bibliography at the end.


Yes - and that is exactly what I need!

So can an article like that one (at be created with Endnote Web as is?

Note that the article uses page ranges in is bibliography and does not have a separate endnote section, nor does it use footnotes.

If so, please explain how. Perhaps using a different technique than inserting endnotes in the text?

If not, confirm that it’s not possible.


Regarding your request for an article example that EndNote Web would support using Chicago A with footnotes and a bibliography, please refer to any of the papers published by the NeoAmericanist journal -


I stand corrected. I note though that this makes sense only with footnotes that can appear at the bottom of each page, not with endnotes.

Hello gback,

I was incorrect that the example you provided was a numbered style.  It was using endnotes and a format different from Chicago A (e.g., author name treatment). I apologize for that confusion. Using a numbered style would not give you the flexibility to use Edit Citation(s) to add additional information, like “see articles in…” As mentioned earlier, it will not necessarily comply with other Chicago A formatting guidelines.

I have a modified Chicago A style so please look for a private message with additional information.

Best regards,

  - Mathilda

We posted a new Chicago A style on July 30, 2009 in EndNote Web that should address this format. Please give “Chicago A (endnotes only)” a try.

 - Mathida


I am accessing Endnote Web trough my institution (University of Northern British Columbia), however the bilbiographic styles I have access to are very limited (21 styles total). I’ve talked with my librairan and they can access tons of other styles (I need a journal specific style - Microbial Ecology). I don’t know why I can’t see those other styles from my account. 

Thanks for any help