
I am pretty new to EndNote, but I couldn’t find the answer to this specific questions anywhere…

I have build up an EndNote library with about 50 papers. Some papers have their titles all in upper case (all capital letters). When I insert these references in Word in APA (5th-full name) style, these capital letters remain. I am wondering about 3 things:

  1. Have I imported these references in the wrong way? If yes, please let me know what I should change for the next time.

  2. How can I change the current TITLES?

  3. Is it allowed to have an APA reference list with some titles in upper case? (I am asking this because I don’t think I would manually change all titels if it was just a matter of my reference list ‘not looking pretty’…)

My thanks in advance,


I’m not sure about Endnote X2, but in version 9 you would set your title capitalization choice for the output style (e.g., APA) you are using under Edit / Output Styles / Bibliography / Title Capitalization.


I did try this before, but wasn’t sure if it was the correct way of doing things so I didn’t save the edited style. I also wasn’t sure if I was ment to save the edited style as a new style, or the original one. I have saved it is a new style now, just to be on the safe side.

I was also wondering if it is possible to delete styles? (I created a new style that wasn’t correct)

Kind regards,


If the Mac is the same as the PC, the “supplied” styles are in one place and the edited styles are in another.  Do a file search for *.enl (or for the original and the new style names).  Just go to the file location and delete styles you no longer want or styles you will NEVER want. 


I always save changed styles to a new name with an indication of the change.  If it to correct a style, you want to remember that.  If it is to personal preference, you don’t want to use it mistakenly when you send a paper off to the journal.


@schalke04 wrote:



I did try this before, but wasn’t sure if it was the correct way of doing things so I didn’t save the edited style. I also wasn’t sure if I was ment to save the edited style as a new style, or the original one. I have saved it is a new style now, just to be on the safe side.


I was also wondering if it is possible to delete styles? (I created a new style that wasn’t correct)


Kind regards,
