In Brackets order is getting messed up....Need some help

Hello everybody,

I have the following problem:

For my thesis I added about 500 refs to my text.

I have groups like Ref [20a-x]

In my bibliography I want them to be ordered by year (old to new).

This works nicely, since i change the sort type of my citation to “by year”.


Sometimes I have to put an old reference to a new group, meaning

I want to add for example ref 12 and ref 20 (the group) the the same text, i would love to see (12,20)…

BUT: since i had to tell endnote to order the citations by year to get the nicely ordered bibliography

the ref is sometimes (20a-d, 12, 20e-f) if ref 12 is by year in the middle of the papers of ref 20 (the group)


HOW can i get my citations inside a group in the bibliography ordered by year AND the numbering in brackets nicely by order of apperance.???

Thanks in advance for the help!!!

Why don’t you modify your output style so that: 1) the bibliography is sorted by year; but 2) in-text citations is set to “Don’t Sort”?

By not sorting the in-text citations they will appear in the order you insert them while the bibliography will be sorted by year.