Journal Term Lists: best way to correct errors and other questions, comments, and suggestions

@gounistat wrote:


The Term Lists I am seeing has first 2 columns in the Terms tab;

Full Journal | Abbreviation 1…However, the content of these columns seem reverted, meaning

Abbreviation in the first column and the full jounal name in the second column…I attempted to export entire list to MSExcel to see if I can switch the 2 columns but so far I have not been able to because there seems no delimiter between the 2.

Deleting your journals term list then properly importing the Endnote-provided Journal terms lists would be the easiest way to go. Refer to these threads:“Abbreviation & the Term List”, and “Journal Abbreviations in Bibliography”. There’s also an EndNote“Journal Terms” training video.

However if you wish to edit the Endnote exported term list note that the list includes tab delimiters which unfortunately MS Excel does not seem to recognize. As a workaround first open the Endnote exported term list in MS Word and use the “Find and Replace” function to replace the tab characters with a specified delimiter. Re-save the file then launch MS Excel and open the Endnote exported term list by using Excel’s wizard to specify the delimiter which in turn formats the term list into separate columns.

For future reference please post queries as a new thread instead of dovetailing on to a prior thread. Since the OP of this thread marked it “solved” your added question could easily have been overlooked and dovetailing messes up search results.