Manually merge two duplicates

Currently you can only merge records that EndNote21 finds automatically via [Library > Find Duplicates]. However, I often want to merge duplicates that EndNote doesn’t find automatically.


  1. Find the PDF of an article online.
  2. Import PDF in EndNote, only to see that the PDF doesn’t contain metadata.
  3. Result: A new record is created, with only the filename in the “Title” field (e.g., <filename.pdf>.
  4. Next, I search for a citation file of the article online.
  5. Import this ENW or RIS file in EndNote.
  6. Result: A new record is created, with all the relevant fields (but of course without the PDF attachment.
  7. Click [Library > Find Duplicates]
  8. Result: Nothing, because there is not enough overlap between the two records

What I then have to do, is to first save the PDF somewhere else on my computer; go back to EndNote and navigate to the PDF to attach it to the citation record; then go back to the stored PDF and delete it; then go back to EndNote and delete the original record with the PDF only!!! By this time I’m too tired to function anymore, and usually end op on the couch to watch a series … Not good for productivity! :slight_smile:

So, it would be great to have an option to select two (or more, I guess?) records, right click, and choose [Merge]. The same window could then be displayed where you can drag and drop info from the one record to the other, etc.

Thanks in advance for your attention!