Missing Help Screen text

It might be just my version of EndNote help, but some text is clearly missing from the “Special Formatting Characters” Help item:

"Link Adjacent Text (Using the Non-breaking Space)

If you type "Edition ed. into a style template and use an ordinary space to separate the field name Edition from the abbreviation

To avoid this problem, make "ed. dependent on the Edition field by linking

You can insert a non-breaking space by selecting Link Adjacent Text from the Insert Field list in the Templates panels. You can also enter it by typing Ctrl+Alt+Space. It appears on the screen as a small diamond."

What problem? I just call this to the attention of those who might have the wherewithal to correct it. Thanks.

The correct documentation should read as follows:

Link Adjacent Text (Using the Non-breaking Space)


If you type “Edition ed.” into a style template and use an ordinary space to separate the field name “Edition” from the abbreviation " ed.", then " ed." will appear regardless of whether or not the reference has an edition (see Rule #4).

To avoid this problem, make “ed.” dependent on the Edition field by linking " ed." to the Edition field with a non-breaking space. Think of a non-breaking space as bibliographic formatting glue. It joins two or more items together so they act as a single unit. Thus, any text or punctuation “glued” to a field will drop out of the bibliography if that field is empty.

You can insert a non-breaking space by selecting Link Adjacent Text from the Insert Field list in the Templates panels. You can also enter it by typing Option+Space. It appears on the screen as a small diamond.

The non-breaking space is converted to a normal space in the formatting process. Common uses of the non-breaking space include (where “◊” is used as a non-breaking space):





The non-breaking space is also used in conjunction with the vertical bar (see below) to change the dependency of a punctuation mark from one field to another.

Volume|: ◊Issue|.

In this case, the colon ( : ) is linked to the Issue field with a non-breaking space, so it does not print in the bibliography if the Issue field is empty.

Note : For Windows, the command is Ctrl+Alt+Space and for Mac it is Option+Space.

Jason Berman
Technical Sup Rep RS

Thomson Reuters

Phone: +1 800-336-4474