Multiple References from Library into ONE Citation in Word.

Using EndNote X1 on Mac (Leopard 10.5.4, Word 2004), how does one get multiple references within a library to show up as one entry in a citation in Word?


Ref. 1: Author, Journal, etc.

Ref. 2: Author, Journal, etc.

Ref. 3: Author, Journal, etc. 

I want these 3 (or in some cases, more) references to only show up as ONE numbered citation in my bibliography.  Following EndNote’s Help file on the Mac is no help, as following it causes each reference to be numbered individually (an undesired result).

Thanks all! 


I’ve had the same problem, and took me some time to find that simple solution!

In endnote go to


Output styles

Open style manager

edit the selected style, and in “citations” “numbering”, tick “grouper references”

as simple as that !

Thanks!  EXACTLY what I was looking for!