Is it possible to do an online search that is narrowed by date? If I want books containing the word “Nationalism” in the title, it looks to me like my only choice is to either search all the ones ever published, or only those published in a single year. How do I search for ones published between, say, 2000 and 2005? Thanks!
I think it depends on the database you are searching. In the endnote library (in X4) you can enter Year is greater than, or equal to", as one adiitional parameter and less than or equal to as a second parameter, to get the range.
In Pubmed, you can also search the “date entered” field and an option in that search exist to search “Entered between”. Note the format that the date needs to be entered in, is that shown for the “date entered” field. (hence as an example, Entered between 2001/01/01:2011/03/29)
Thanks for the reply. But when I do an online search, there is no “greater than or equal to” option. You can set Year in the left hand box, no problem, but the ONLY option in the middle box is Contains. There is no “greater than or equal to” or “less than or equal to” option. Am I missing something?
I am using Endnote x4.
Thanks so much -
Where are you searching? I suspect different databases provide differing parameter options.
I’m searching in a variety of university library databases. I’ve tried in Princeton, British Library, Columbia U, MIT, Project MUSE - it makes no difference, the only option is “Contains”.
hmmmpff. Well you are correct. - at least today, in X4.0.2 – I don’t get those options for Pubmed either. – Do in the Endnote library, or if I haven’t yet selected Pubmed (which I wish it would remember, or give you a useful error message if you forget in the online mode! -but I digress) but not when I have Pubmed selected.
I see in the help (searched “index” for the word search) the information below, and wonder if one can add functionality by editing an individual parameter of the connection file? There are lso some links to how to test whether an attribute is valid, before editing the connection file in the help as well.
Each database has its own supported subset of Use attributes and associated combinations of the other attributes. Consult the configuration information for the online database to determine which values for these attributes are supported. Thomson Reuters does not provide this information. You will need to obtain it from the organization (or “information provider”) that maintains the server.
Er… ok! Thanks for the time you put in trying to work that out - I appreciate it. That solution sounds a little beyond my skill set, however!
Odd that Endnote can’t just discard results that fall outside a defined range.
Also odd that Endnote can’t access this level of functionality, since these university library catalogs ALL have it - as one can verify by searching via their various websites.
Hi Richard
You can range search while doing online searches from EndNote using field Year and typing 'start year 'colon 'end year ’ in the search box eg 2000:2005. This works with the CONTAINS search setting
When online searching with EndNote the only option you get is CONTAINS - this has been case since at I start using Endnote with version 4, other more specific search options only appear when searching your local library.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards
Thanks for this reply - a while ago I realize - but for me, anyway, this still doesn’t work. You either get “No matching references found” even when this is manifestly untrue (I searched the Library of Congress for books 1950:2000 containing the word “Art” in the title, as a test), or in some cases - mainly with foreign libraries - I get some variation on a message that “A temporary system error has occurred at the remote database. Server has closed the connection. Try issuing the search again.” But trying again doesn’t work either…