I am an existing user, through university, i install end note, works fine.
I go to sync preferences, enter my details, as per attachment 1, it accepts that and works fine.
However, when i then try and sync, it spews this out- how can the password be not valid when i just validated it??
Sync Details
Sync was last run: Never
Sync Status: There are changes that need to be sent.
Error Code: Server.AuthenticationToken.invalidUserCredentials
Error Message: The username/password specified is not valid.
Local Sync Library
Library Name: Dissertation Copy Copy
References: 99
Groups: 0
Group Sets: 1
Attachments: 12
Online Sync Library
Username: jessicamerrittwk@gmail.com
Serial Number: 3091850026 (Premium until October 23, 2019)
References: 0
Groups: 0
Group Sets: 0
Attachments: 0 (0)
Sync Limits
Number of References: 1000000 (1000000 can still be added)
Number of Groups: 5000 (5000 can still be added)
Number of Group Sets: 5000 (5000 can still be added)
Attachment Storage: Unlimited