I’m quite desperate because I can’t use my Endnote library anymore.
When I try to look for a reference, for exemple using an author name (which I know it does exist in my library), the message “no matching references found” appears. SAme thing when I try to insert a reference in a Word file from endnote.
I’ve been using Endnote for 10 years, I’ve got more than 3000 references with 2000 pdf files, currently with EndNote X7.
I’m talking about my own library, not the online library.
I’m completely stucked up, I don('t know what to do, as my all library is on Endnote, and I can’t access them anymore.
when I make a search, it’s always responding “no matching references found” , even if the author name or the year are present in my library.
I linked an example (screen print) to this message. I searched the authors Wandji, and as you can see, it is present in the list of references. Nevertheless, the software answers : “no matching references found”
Well, that is good, as it means you have your library!
I would copy both the .enl file and the .DATA folder and subfolders to another folder to backup your library and then try - on the original - Tools>recover library to see if that repairs it. If that doesn’t work, I would contact support at www.endnote.com/support (call rather than using form, if possible).
I have the same problem and would be very interested in how you solved it last year?
I can neither search for references by author/keyword/any field without the error message “no matching references found” (although I am sure, as you were, that I certainly have these references in my library! I look at the list, search for an entry, that I can see at the same time…“no matching references found” ).
Nor can I create new Smart Groups, which are not empty, or use old Smart Groups (rules are still “there”, but no references anymore, although they had at least 10 references in each Smart Group). The only groups still existing are the ones that I created manually (before knowing how Smart Groups work).
I even tried creating a new Smart Group with/ and searching for my most favorite keyword, which just indicates whether I already read the literature or just added it to my EndNote file (so this is a keyword like “read” and applied most often in my library and I already had a Smart Group for that…but guess…)…still nothing is working.
I am totally frustrated, I have to write a chapter for my PhD for which I read literature in the last weeks, but also last year…searching for the references from last year by scrolling down through the whole reference list would take a lot of time.
Please help me! So far, I really preferred EndNote to any other literature organizing program, but at the moment I hate it, I stood up extra early today and was extremely motivated to write this chapter (which doesn’t happen a lot these days…), I was even earlier in the office than my early-bird-office-mates…just wanted to create a Smart Group for one subchapter…aaaand motivation gone, because EndNote wasn’t working as it should be…when my office mates came in, I was already in the mood for heading home again still stayed very long…but didn’t write a single word
Thousands of thanks to anybody, who could offer a solution!!!
I have the same problem and would be really interested in how you solved it (if you could solve it, hopefully?!) last year???
I actually wrote a really nice text, explaining how the search panel and Smart Groups don’t work…I registered…message gone…EndNote must really hate me today
Please help me, since I really need to write a chapter for my PhD and therefore need to at least search for my keywords - or even better: create Smart Groups, which are not empty [I know how Smart Groups work…I had several…which are still there, but now they are totally empty, whereas they should have at least 10 references]
Btw: I already tried copying the files and data to another folder, didn’t work; contacted EndNote Support via mail ca. 9 hours ago, no reply yet, IT-support and library support at my university also cannot help.
Thanks to all, who might have a solution to this very annoying problem!!!
It looks like I’m late to comment on this thread, but this may be helpful for anyone else who might encounter the same problem.
I called support and they had me run a library recovery. Go to Tools > Recover Library and save the file to a new location like your desktop.
As long as the problem is with your library and not with the software, this fix should work. To ascertain that this is the case, go to Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EndNote X9 > Examples and open Sample_Library_X9. Attach any PDF with text to one of the references, then select “PDF” in the search bar and search some text in the attachment. If it was successful, then the problem is not with the software but the library.
It looks like I’m late to comment on this thread, but this may be helpful for anyone else who might encounter the same problem.
I called support and they had me run a library recovery. Go to Tools > Recover Library and save the file to a new location like your desktop.
As long as the problem is with your library and not with the software, this fix should work. To ascertain that this is the case, go to Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EndNote X9 > Examples and open Sample_Library_X9. Attach any PDF with text to one of the references, then select “PDF” in the search bar and search some text in the attachment. If it was successful, then the problem is not with the software but the library.
It looks like I’m late to comment on this thread, but this may be helpful for anyone else who might encounter the same problem.
I called support and they had me run a library recovery. Go to Tools > Recover Library and save the file to a new location like your desktop.
As long as the problem is with your library and not with the software, this fix should work. To ascertain that this is the case, go to Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EndNote X9 > Examples and open Sample_Library_X9. Attach any PDF with text to one of the references, then select “PDF” in the search bar and search some text in the attachment. If it was successful, then the problem is not with the software but the library.
It looks like I’m late to comment on this thread, but this may be helpful for anyone else who might encounter the same problem.
I called support and they had me run a library recovery. Go to Tools > Recover Library and save the file to a new location like your desktop.
As long as the problem is with your library and not with the software, this fix should work. To ascertain that this is the case, go to Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EndNote X9 > Examples and open Sample_Library_X9. Attach any PDF with text to one of the references, then select “PDF” in the search bar and search some text in the attachment. If it was successful, then the problem is not with the software but the library.
I have this problem of “I can open and see my library in endnote, but it just isn’t “talking” to Word thru the add-in.” When I’m in Word, I click on Update citations and bibliography", and then there is no “match” found in my Endnote library, eben though the citation IS there in my library. Can you help me? I’m kind of desperate.
I have this problem of “I can open and see my library in endnote, but it just isn’t “talking” to Word thru the add-in?” when I’m in my Word, I click on “update citations end bibliography” in the Endnote tab, but there is not “match” with my endnote library eben though the reference IS in my library. This problem appeared after I updgraded my Mac to Catalina. Can you help me?