Organising and using groups

I work in a team of 5 people. We have a collection of over 3,000 books which we have imported into EndNoteWeb. Now I want to a) organise the collection so that each reference belongs to one or more groups according to subject matter, which means we can search the collection quickly and effectively; and b) make this facility available to all 5 in the team. I have set up different groups according to subject, and have put the ‘share group’ option into place. However, I cannot find a way of allocating individual references to two, three, or more groups simultaneously. I wonder whether this can only be done through key words? But this is a real inconvenience and very time consuming. Can anyone help?

Many thanks


Can you clarify what is “share group” option? I think your problem can be solved using smart group feature, but I’m not totally sure what you are trying to do.

I have put the books into libraries, or collections, and enabled my colleagues to ‘share’ each collection. However, what I really want, in addition to this, is to be able to put each book into two or three separate collections. So if I have a collection called ‘assessment’, another called ‘teaching’ and another ‘e-learning’, I want to be able to put one book into all of these individual collections which all of my colleagues can then share acces to. Does that help?

I think there is a little confusion with this post as some of the Groups-related features are available with the web interface for EndNote only and some are available for the desktop version of EndNote only. This is not meant to be confusing but simply reflects the evolution of the products on the various platforms. In particular:

EndNote Web does not yet support “Smart Groups”

The ability to instantly “share” Groups of references is more obvious on the Web.

To answer the original query, using the Web version of EndNote, it is possible to save a single record to multiple groups at once. You need to expand the “Groups” section at the top of the individual record window [by clicking the little triangle] and check the Groups you want to add the reference to. 

Currently it is not possible to add several/many records to multiple groups at once. This is something we can consider adding in the future.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team