Is there a way to see which references have been used and not used in a certain document or several documents? I would like to check that what I have read and taken notes on (only those make it into EN) are actually in the final document. One workaround would be to compare the bibliography with the library, but that would only work one chapter at a time and also only as a snapshot. Is there a more permanent solution? Best regards, Franziska
In the desktop endnote program, you can see the references used as a temporary group with the name of the manuscript. If you put cursor in the library window and select them all, you can then “show all” (ctrl or apple key M) and then you could hide those highlighted and see the ones not used. (these options should be in the references menu).
Thank you very much! Unfortunately, I am not sure where I can see the references used as a temporary group with the name of the manuscript. Please see attached where I was looking, is that the right place? I just openend the document in Word, is there another step I need to do? All the best, Franziska