Problem copying references between databases

Every time I copy references form a RM database to another, following:

  1. From the References menu, choose Copy Between Databases.
  2. Choose the option indicating which records to copy from the Source Database: Highlighted References, Marked References, Unmarked References, or All References.
  3. Confirm the database that will receive the copied references.
  4. If desired, select the option to mark the copied references

The copied references have an end line break and the ID added at the end of Title field:
Example:(field 03, title)
A scale for measuring specific job demands within the health care sector: Development and psychometric assessment

(this corrupt absolutely the data and make the bibliography unuseful). The only way to solve this is edit each reference (normally 300-400 references each time).

Solved, it was totally my fault :flushed:

Thanks to the support team.

This issue occurs when you are trying to copy duplicates in to the new or existing database.

When copying references between databases, if there are duplicate Reference Ids you are promoted to move the Reference ID to another field from the drop down menu.

You might have selected the title field for this section. To resolve this issue, you will need to select <None> in the list of fields from the drop down menu. Please refer to the attached screenshots for clear understanding.

Also, if you are viewing field numbers and you copy between databases, a dialog box asks you which field you want to copy any existing RefID numbers that have to be renumbered in the references that are being copied into the database. By default, this number goes nowhere, but if your Field Numbers are visible, this number is copied to the end of the Title field.

To turn off Field Number viewing, go to the View dropdown menu and uncheck the “Field Numbers” option. Unfortunately, any references that already have these numbers in the Title field will have to be edited manually.

Additionally, if you are copying the references to a new database and wish to maintain the old reference ids, you can do so by un-checking the check box for “Assign Reference ID”.

  1. Open Reference Manager application.
  2. From the Tool menu select “Options”.
  3. In the Options window, select “Reference Edit” tab.
  4. Here, uncheck the checkbox for “Assign Reference ID”.
  5. Click on Apply and then on OK to save and exit this window.