Problem Viewing All References in EndNote X4

I created a library in EndNote X4 (it was a free trial) and can no longer view all of my references.  The library shows the correct number of references (84) but I can only view 10 in the window.  I read that I should still be able to view my references so I am really confused. 

I installed the X4.0.1 update and still cannot view the complete set of references.

Will I also not be able to add more references to this library?

Please help!

Thank you!

Two things:

  1. Under the left column heading “My Library” is “All References” highlighted?  If not, click to select All References.

  2. Resizethe library window by placing your cursor at the bottom edge of the library. you’ll see a vertical double-headed arrow appear.  Just click and “drag” the edge of the library window downward to enlarge the display.

Also note that the free trial version has a time limit (was it 30 days?).

When the trial version on EndNote expires it will switch to a limited viewer.  After it expires it will only display 10 references at a time.  If you change the sorting order of your library by clicking on the column headings, you should see other references, but it will still be limited to displaying the first 10 based on how they are sorted.

That was so helpful, thanks very much!

Okay, thank you for your help!


I recently upgraded to Endnote X4. I am not able to see all my references. I have over 700 in the library and have used them in a word doc, but for some reason, my library shows only about 550.

When I search for them in the library, I cannot see them, but am able to when I try inserting them in word (cite while you write).

This is driving me up the wall. Appreciate any help.


Can you provide a screen shot?  Have you updated X4 to the most recent (X4.0.2 I think) as what you might be seeing is only those refs that you have used in your manuscript (is it a long one?).  The original release of EndNoteX4 had a “feature” that after inserting a ref, only showed the group that was in use in the manuscript, as shown in the attached image.  In the update, which probably fixed some other things, they went back to what we all really wanted.  A view of the whole library when we want to add another citation, as it is likely to be a previously unused citation.  You should see the rest of the library if you click higher up on the All References.  But what you really want to do is go to the Endnote “help” menu and choose “Endnote Program Updates”. 

If that isn’t it, an image of the screen might help further. 

I am using trial version of endnote and experiencing problem in display of reference. All are not visible.

And you read this thread?  “When the trial version on EndNote expires it will switch to a limited viewer.  After it expires it will only display 10 references at a time.  If you change the sorting order of your library by clicking on the column headings, you should see other references, but it will still be limited to displaying the first 10 based on how they are sorted.”