Reference within existing brackets: (e.g. ref1; ref2)


How do you insert a reference within existing brackets, without generating an additional set of brackets?

I would use it in the context of, “Several users have a better knowledge of EndNote than I do (e.g. ref1, ref2, ref3).” When I insert the references as I normally do, I get, “Several users have a better knowledge of EndNote than I do (e.g. (ref1, ref2, ref3)).”

I would like to be able to remove the brackets within the brackets. I am using EndNote X6, and writing in the style of APA 6th. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks!

You can achieve this by using prefix to the first citation. Remember to put an extra space after the text.

Just to add, you get to that menu by right clicking in the formated reference (don’t add the text manually in front of your citation) and selecting “edit citation”  then “more”.