Retrieving specific deleted references from trash

Hi. Thanks in advance for reading my post.
I am using Endnote 21 desktop version.
I accidentally deleted 40-something references from my library, and now they are lost in 2000-ish references in my trash bin.
Is there a way to sort the trash bin by ‘deleted date’? Or is there some other way to find the exact references I deleted?

Thanks a lot!

I don’t see anything. I was hoping last updated would reflect the deleted event, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. How did you select them for accidental deletion in the first place? Can you apply a similar strategy? The alternative is to just wait until you need them and add them back then. Are they more likely to have pdfs attached to them?

Any why do you have 2000ish references in the trash bin in the first place. Trash contents do not play nice with syncing to the cloud in my experience…

Hi Leanne, thanks very much for the reply.
I highlighted them and was going to mark them as read, but I pressed delete…and there seems to be no reversing this.

I imported around 4000 references under the same topic to do a filtering process by title, abstract, etc (although I’m not doing a systematic review). That’s why I have 2000~ in the bin. I’m just going through all the article titles very quickly, so there’s no way I can remember all the titles of those I deleted… without seeing the deletion date/time.

I just started using Endnote 1 month ago, I haven’t tried the syncing function yet.

You might try contacting their help/support to see if they have any ideas. will get you there…