school database via endnote


Brand new user here. I am interested if it is possible to use my schools access to various databases to search directly from endnote. eg pubmed cinahl etc. when I try to access the database it asks for user id, password and group id. I don’t know what to put in for group id. Also I just upgraded from trial to basic student x8 and when I have the program running on my mac OS 10 machine it keeps popping up a blank registration window. which I hit the “synch” button and then it goes away. Weird. Any and all advice and help is super appreciated.


Most schools database access is based on the network address you are accessing from.  Can you VPN into their network or get a proxy address?  Pubmed should be publicly available, although access to publications full text would not necessarily be available to you off campus (where we all are, right!).  

Can you contact your school’s librarian to see if they can give you the necessary password or ezproxy information?