Several EndNote bibliographies for each section in one Word file


I have a word document with two articles - ending up as my master thesis.

I therefor wounder if ther should not be a smart way to have a seperate bibliography for each of my two articles in on document using endnote. It could also have been seperate bibliographies for each section, page or chapter.

The reason I want one document is that it is much easyer to handle formating and making at automatic table of content. When I want to make a automatic table of content using slavedocuments do not work, and making subdocuments also does not work for me.

The only thing I can think of is to make the bibliographies for each article and the unformate them and copy them to the finially document, I could also make indenpentent bibliographie,  but then I loos the update funktion and thereby the abillyty to make last minut changes.

Others have the same problem…