Springer Journal Style, Supportive Care in Cancer, journal abbreviations help

Hello everyone,

I am working with an academic who is very close to submitting a journal article for the Springer publication entitled Supportive Care in Cancer.  We have downloaded and used the relevant style from the EndNote website.

Springer demand that all journal titles are abbreviated in the bibliography.  However the style “Supportive Care in Cancer” abbreviates most journals but doesn’t abbreviate in several cases.  The Abbreviate 1 is selected in the style by default (and I have also tried Abbreviate 2 and Abbreviate 3).

Searching on the web indicates term lists might be the problem.  But I have no idea how to get a correct term list.  But this maybe a red herring.

So if anyone can help that would be great.  How do I make sure all of my journals are abbreviated using this style?  Or do I simply abbreviate the journal in the references database manually to overcome any flaws in the style?

Thanks, Jamie

Abbreviated journal titles, call for: 1) importing the journal terms, and 2) designating the abbreviation in the output style. If the journal terms are not imported then the output style has no information to draw upon. Refer to the Endnote training video “Journal Names” for instructions on importing and using journal abbreviations.

Also note when you modify the output style to designate the abbreviation to use (for example, Abbreviation 1) the change will be saved to a new output style file with the word “Copy” added to the file name. So you will need to adjust MS word to use the new output style file in order for the changes to take effect.