Style Template for Current Biology- unable to get abbreviated journals

Dear All,

Can anyone help - i am using the style Current Biology and despite clicking Abbreviated 1, 2 or 3 in the Journal Name format section of the Syle Manager I still cant get it to abbreviate the names of the journals.

Please help!!


Dear Emma

These selections in style manager will only work if you have made full use of the Journals Term list (which you will find in Tools - Term lists). In this list you tell EndNote the full name of each journal and up to 3 abbreviations. There are a number of predefine journal term lists which are available both from and various libraries around the world, which you can import into EndNote. The advice I give my novice users is to import our termlist of favourite journals before they start creating any new EndNote library and then only have to monitor the list for additional journals and can easily edit a few records. If you have just allowed EndNote to build the termlist from entries in your library then you may have to do a lot of editing.

Kind regards


Import the Medical, Biosciences and possibly Chemical journals terms into your library.

See this web site for details on importing journal terms into library. As it describes, it is easiest to delete any existing automatically built terms list, with a downloaded list, rather than trying to edit what you already have. Make sure you edit any Journal output Style you use to select the appropriate format for abbreviations (or in full) for that Journal (need to have imported the journal terms into your library to get this to work! See above), as many of the styles come as defaulting to whatever your record.