Starting a sentence with a citation

The option to start a sentence with a citation has disappeared from EndNote with this latest version X7. The format “author (year)” used to be an option in the drop down box under “edit citation”. How do I automatically generate a citation in this format? I am using Word 2013.

Thank you for your help.

Welcome to the right place.  

it still is – the option is shown as Author (Year).  Here I can show an image 

Thank you for your reply.

The options are now limited as one can see in the screenshot below. When you click on “Edit Citations”, the second screen shot comes up and the option is nowhere to be found. I chose APA 6th as the style. I’m wondering if this is affecting the options. Any other suggestions?

That is what the options look like when you are using the endnote online version of the program.  Check what Word Add-in ribbon is active? It doesn’t have anything to do with APA 6th (I tested).