Sync only with certain preferences / without PDFs?

Hello Community,

I am using Endnote and I would like to make things easier and less time consuming. My work flow when preparing a manuscript including a prior literature search looks as following:

1. Identifying paper on Pubmed and transfering them to Endnote via “send to Citation Manager” (on my laptop)

  1. Download the paper as pdf and save it in various folders (on my laptop)

→ i do not let Endnote make a copy of the pdf-file that is saved in the EndNote folder.

  1. Sync my database 

  2. Use EndNote Web to look at my database from various computers

  3. Use EndNote App for iPad to read the paper

My problem: The sync of the imported paper runs well. Ipad as well as EndNote display all references, but … the PDF files are not synced automatically. Right now I have to upload them manually to (EndNote Web) and I also have to download them by hand (to the  iPad). These procedures are time consuming and kind of annoying. 

Therefore I would like to know: What am I doing wrong or what can I change so that EndNote does not only sync the references but the attached PDF files as well?

Thanks in advance

Endnote X7, MAC

No one who can help?

I think no one can help, as your work flow is not consistent with the way the developers set up Endnote and syncing which  depends on letting endnote copy the pdfs to its own folder space as a relative link.  

You can have endnote do that at anytime in one step (references, file attachments, convert to relative links).  

I agree that if endnote knows where they are - and endnote can do that, it shouldn’t be a huge leap to ask whether the developers could rejig the software to use this information to sync the files to the online version as well.  

So, I would suggest making that a suggestion to them (no I don’t work for them!)  in the Suggestions part of the forum?