synchronizing options

In an EndNote X6 presentation at my library today, someone asked if the synchronization could exclude pdf’s, the reason being that some users’ libraries might have more than 5GB of pdf’s already.

Another product suggestion–when in a reference editing view (either in the reference tab or after double-clicking a reference) there could be an indicator for each field that is represented in the selected citation style. This could help in manually inputting a reference–to know what fields were required in the present style to make the citation complete.

Have a nice day


I really wish that EndNote had not gone to an “all or nothing” model for syncing. There are perfectly legitimate reasons that people may not want certain groups in their Web account, space issues among them.

The ease of auto-syncing is an important draw for many users, but several advanced users want more exact control. They should have made both syncing and transfer options available.

So my wish-list includes bringing tranfer back…