The Tool Bar Across the top is different. I cannot get it to match my professors : (

Here is my problem. I just bought EndNotes and I am trying to follow my professors posted instructions on how to use it, but my Endnotes look very different from what he has shown. Upon opening my first library, I am given two panels, EndNote X2 (with file - edit- references - group -tools - windows - help) underneath. And the second panel is my My Endnote Library1. Regarding the first panel, there should be tool bar icons for opening a new file, printing and so o much as you would find using Word. That would include choosing the option of APA 5th. But I don’t have those icons and I can’t figure out why or where to find them. Please help me. I am wasting to many hours on this!!! Thanks

The toolbars and positioning is quite different in EndnoteX2.  I guess we don’t normally access libraries and the old toolbars had buttons that were never or rarely used.  Now it appears the ony way to create a new library is to use the actual menu.  See the attached images comparing the old toolbars in EndnoteX to those in Endnote X2.  As you say the tools are now integrated into the library rather than the program.  It would be nice if users could alter the toolbars to suit their needs, but that isn’t the case. The place to choose the style is now on the library toolbar.  To find APA the first time, you will need to choose “select another style”.  Also in the document, if it has been formated with another style, you will want to change the style in the format bibliography window. 

there is also a quick tutorial that takes you thru the basics for X2 (and X1) on their website.

finally, I recommend printing out the short Getting Started Guide that should have been installed with your program (GettingStartedGuide.pdf).  Another resource is the full PDF manual (called ENDNOTE.pdf), which I wouldn’t recommend printing, but it can be helpful to consult.  the F1 key for help, is also very useful. 

good luck and have fun.

Message Edited by Leanne on 01-30-2009 09:12 AM

 (after several tries, finally got an attachment that works (not too big, not unacceptable file type, and clear!)

Message Edited by Leanne on 01-30-2009 09:16 AM

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