Trouble importing refs

Hi Folks,

I’m trying to import some references using a filter.  As an example, here is a reference in text format:

* Guthman, J. 1997. Representing Crisis: The Theory of Himalayan Environmental Degradation and the project of Development in Post-Rana Nepal. Development and Change 28:45-69.

My filter is the following:

Tag: *    Fields: Author. Year. Title. Journal Volume(Issue): pp.Pages.

I’ve tried various combinations  of author parsing, etc.  But the filter won’t suck in Author or Title.  It puts the author name in the Journal field, but it gets the Year, Volume, Issue (which is absent in this case - i’ve tried removing that field from the filter, but it doesn’t change the result), and Pages right.  It ends up putting the title in the notes section, preceded by the text, “Using Smart Source Parsing:”.

Anyone have any ideas what might be going on here?



One problem seems to be that the endnote import filter just doesn’t like it when the date follows the author.  Files formatted exactly the same, but with the date after the author, end up excluding the author name.  I could be missing something here, but I really doubt it.  If this is the tool’s fault, I am really disappointed that ISI would release such faulty software.  Though can’t say I’m really surprised.  UGH!!!