Two fields in brackets in book template...


I managed to create alone all styles that I needed so far, but this time I really need help. I have such a particular case:

When a book has a ‘Series title’ given, it should be included in output format and put between two brackets,

but if there is a vol. number, it shoul be given too. So proper formats looks like:

1.    Horning, N., et al., Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. (Techniques in Ecology and Conservation Series), 2010,Oxford: Oxford University Press. 467.

but if the series title is accompanied with number then:

1.    Horning, N., et al., Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. (Techniques in Ecology and Conservation Series; vol. 3), 2010, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 467.

Do you have any ideas?



It would help if you attached the output style but offhand the syntax might be something like:


|(Series Title|,◊vol.◊Volume),|



| = forced separation

◊ = link adjacent text

Tkank you for a note. You proposal works when a series title is accompanied by volume number. If there is no volume number, second (ending) bracket will not displayed. This is the problem that I can not  solve alone.

It’s difficult to suggest what to correct without seeing how the fields of your Book output style template is arranged, Can you attach your output style file or provide a screenshot of the Book bibliography template to show how the syntax is arranged?

Ok, so let’s assume three examples:

first: book without series title should be displayed as:

Kent M, Coker P. Vegetation description and analysis. A practical approach. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons; 1992.

second: book with series title but without volume should be properly displayed as:

Mitchel A. Geographic Patterns & Relationships. Redlands: ESRI Press; 1999. (The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis).

third: book with series title and volume number:

Chytrý M. editor. Grassland and Heathland Vegetation. Praha: Academia; 2007. (Vegetation of the Czech Republic; vol. 1).

If it is clear, let me present different ways to organised my output style:

Output style no 1

Author. Title|.◊City|:◊Publisher|;◊Year.|◊(Series Title;◊vol. Volume).

will produce following output:

Kent M, Coker P. Vegetation description and analysis. A practical approach. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons; 1992. OK

Mitchel A. Geographic Patterns & Relationships. Redlands: ESRI Press; 1999. (The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis; Error: unwanted semicolon at the end and lack of second (ending) bracket

Chytrý M. editor. Grassland and Heathland Vegetation. Praha: Academia; 2007. (Vegetation of the Czech Republic; 1). OK

Output style no 2

Author. Title|. City|: Publisher|; Year.| (Series Title|; vol. Volume)|.

will produce following output:

Kent M, Coker P. Vegetation description and analysis. A practical approach. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons; 1992.  OK

Mitchel A. Geographic Patterns & Relationships. Redlands: ESRI Press; 1999. (The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis. Error: lack of ending bracket

Chytrý M. editor. Grassland and Heathland Vegetation. Praha: Academia; 2007. (Vegetation of the Czech Republic; 1). OK

Hope, this time everything is clear.


It would be so much easier if you attached the actual output style, so we can mess around with it, and not have to recreate one of the two scenarios. 

Here is the output style file.
AB_Style.ens (12.7 KB)

Thanks for the output style. Looking at your Book bibliography template it seems you’ve placed a semi-colon instead of a comma so that’s why the semi-colon is displayed. As for the missing closed parenthesis (bracket) just insert a forced separation in front:


|◊(Series Title|,◊vol.◊Volume|).



yes, this syntax resolved the problem with references with series title. But please try it with reference (book) that has no series title. It will produce as follows:

Kent M, Coker P. Vegetation description and analysis. A practical approach. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons; 1992.).


This closing parenthesis should have not been displated it this case. I have no idea, how to overcome this.

Thanks for the clarification as I misread your posting. There is a way to correct the syntax but it’ll create a new problem – it adds a parenthesis/bracket at the end of non-series titled references like this:


[1] Kent M, Coker P. Vegetation description and analysis. A practical approach. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons; 1992.).


Unfortunately there’s no clean fix but a workaround would be to: 1) remove the parenthesis/bracket from the syntax, 2) manually add the closed right parenthesis/bracket to the end of the series title or the volume number in either the Series Title or Volume field of the EndNote Book record. So if the book has a series title but no volume just type-in a closed right parenthesis/bracket to the end of the series title in the Series Title field. If the book has a series title and volume just type-in a closed right parenthesis/bracket to the end of the volume number in the Volume field. (See attached images for examples, including the resulting reference list.)


The corrected syntax is:

|◊(Series Title|,◊vol.◊Volume|.




thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it but, however, I’m not an advocate for modyfing the book entities in my library following the way that you advice. This library will be used with many other styles in the future, and then it will generate next errors caused by additional ending brackets. In my oppinion, it is much simpler to correct the bibliography (references) in the manuscript after it is finished and the document is changed into plain text. In that case, my library remains proper and is ready to use with other styles.

However, the problem is still unresolved. I want to create the style that would not need any manual corrections. It is important not only during the process of writing my manuscript. It is not problem to me to insert a few brackets into the finished manuscript. In spite of this, I would like to prepare ready-to-use bibliographic output style and share it with editorials to be accesible to any other authors submitting their papers to this promising journal in my field.

Is it really impossible to resolve the problem by modifying the syntax?

Changing the syntax alone won’t resolve the issue due to the complications of trying to meet the 3 formatting conditions described in your second posting.


If you wish to maintain the Series Title and Volume fields as is, an alternative is to create a custom field in the Book reference type (e.g., “SeriesTitleVol”) – refer to attached image1. You’ll still have the Series Title and Volume fields and data as is in the Book reference type but this custom field will be substituted in the bibliography template.The corrected syntax is:


|◊(Series Title|,◊SeriesTitleVol|.


The purpose of the custom field is to either: 1) contain a closed right parenthesis/bracket when the book has a series title but no volume; or 2) contain the volume number and closed right parenthesis/bracket when the book has a series title and volume number.  Refer to attached image2.


Refer to the EndNote training video “Custom Reference Types” if needed :