I use Endnote Web through my institution and have recently got a new macbook.
I have the latest version of Word 2016 installed (through Office 365) and would like to install the CWYW plugin.
Downloading and installation appears to go well but the toolbar doesn’t appear anywhere on Word. It doesn’t seem to be an issue of visibility, rather that it simply doesn’t exist after installation.
Further investigation into the startup folder location shows a path that doesn’t exist on my macbook (or I can’t find it/it’s not visible): /library/application support/microsoft/office365/user content.localized/startup.localized/Word
I can only go as far as /library/application support/microsoft/MAU2.0
Is this a compatability issue or me being stupid? (I’m new to OS X, so could have mucked up the installation potentially)
Any help would be much appreciated!
You don’t mention which version of Endnote you’re using so refer to the appropriate knowledge base article listed below:
http://endnote.com/kb/141156 EndNote X8 Mac and EndNote online Mac: CWYW tools in Microsoft Word 2016 Troubleshooting guide
http://endnote.com/kb/138936 EndNote X7 Mac and EndNote online Mac: CWYW tools in Microsoft Word 2016 Troubleshooting guide
If you are still unable to resolve your issue contact tech support.
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I second the poster… but have quite a bit of experience with Mac so dont think its a problem with the way I’m setting it up. When following the instructions to install the Endnote Online add-in
the steps dont match up with anything on the downloaded dmg so looks like theres something wrong with that?
Also as with the poster trying to follow the troublehsooting steps provided non of the folders described match up which suggests nothings actually being installed by the current dmg.
How do we go about getting this noticed / fixed?
I second the poster… but have quite a bit of experience with Mac so dont think its a problem with the way I’m setting it up. When following the instructions to install the Endnote Online add-in:
the steps dont match up with anything on the downloaded dmg so looks like theres something wrong with that.
Have posted a technical support ticket so hope to get it fixed, you didnt manage to get anywhere with it yourself?
Update: have managed to download an install packaged using:
This matches the installation instructions much more accurately, however inside the “Cite while you write” folder, there are only bundles for 2008/2011 versions of word, the 2016 bundle mentioned in troubleshooting documents is missing (see instructions listed in:
Anybody got any idea where to obtain this bundle from?